22nd Detroit Open Kendo Taikai

On February 15th and 16th, 2020, the Detroit Kendo Dojo will host the 22nd Annual Detroit Open Kendo Seminar and Tournament.

Special Guest Sensei

The special guest for Tournament and Seminar Instructor is Takumi Chikamoto Sensei, Kendo Kyoshi 8 Dan from Aichi Prefecture Police Department.  He is the winner of the Emperor Cup in the 51st All Japan Kendo Championship in 2003.

Seminar and Tournament Registration

Due Date: Saturday, January 18th, 2020


For individual divisions, registration is per individual, not per dojo.  Please refer to the appendix at the bottom of this page and register yourself.  The chart and entry rules in the appendix take precedence, however the on-line registration system may allow different entries.   For team registration, Detroit Kendo Dojo highly recommends appointment of team representative as soon as possible.   The representative needs to submit on-line team roster(s) before the registration due date, Sat January 18th.

The event is finished.