Category | Japanese Term | English Term | Pronunciation |
Title | Sensei | Teacher / Instructor | Sen-sei |
Senpai | Someone more senior than you | Sen-pi |
Kohai | Someone more junior than you | ko-hi |
Kendo Kai | kendo participants | ken-dou-kai |
| | | |
Formality | Arigato gozaimashita | Thank you very much | ah-le-ga-to go-zai-i-ma-she-ta |
Rei | To bow | rey |
Onegaishimasu | Please let me practice with you | On-ne-ga-i-shi-ma-tsu |
| | | |
Equipment | Shinai | Bamboo Weapon used to represent
the word | shi-nai |
keiko-gi | kendo jacket | do-gi |
Hakama | kendo pants | ha-ka-ma |
Bogu | Kendo armor | bo-gu |
| | | |
Instructions | Seiza | Sitting position | Sei-za |
Sonkyo | Crouching position | Song-ki-yo |
Mokuso | meditation | mo-ku-so |
Suburi | shinai swinging exercise | su-bu-li |
| | | |
Targets & Practice | Men | Head | men |
Kote | wrist (right) | ko-tae |
Do | torso | dou |
Kamae | ready to take action posture | ka-mai |
Kiai | volcal expression of spirit | ki-aii |
Ki-ken-tai no ichi | the oneness of spirit sword and
body | ki-ken-tai yi-chee |
Issoku-itto-no-maai | one step on hit distance | yi-so-ku yi-to-no maii |
Maai | distance between you and your
opponent | my-ai |
| | | |
Counting | Ichi | 1 | yi-chi |
Ni | 2 | ni |
San | 3 | san |
Shi | 4 | shi |
Go | 5 | go |
Roku | 6 | lo-ku |
Shichi | 7 | shi-chi |
Hachi | 8 | ha-chi |
Kyu | 9 | ke-yu |
Jyu | 10 | j-yu |